Straight Outta Mannofield: Aberdeen music scene supports young people

Aberdeen's music scene unites to support Mannofield Explorer Scouts by creating a compilation album, "Straight Outta Mannofield," featuring 20 local artists.

Straight Outta Mannofield: Aberdeen music scene supports young people

POST readers know that Aberdeen has a rich music scene. But now it’s coming together to support a local community group. Mannofield Explorer Scouts, an Aberdeen Scout group, has taken the initiative to create a compilation album titled “Straight Outta Mannofield.”

The project aims to raise vital funds to provide unforgettable experiences for the youth while showcasing the incredible talent of local musicians. Set to be released on 30th June, the album features 20 renowned artists from Aberdeen and the northeast, including The Xcerts, Cold Years, and The Little Kicks.

Exclusive, previously unreleased tracks

The compilation album, available for pre-order on, encompasses a range of genres, from indie and rock to alternative, jazz, blues, and folk. It showcases established acts that have toured the world and emerging artists, offering listeners a snapshot of our remarkable music scene.

“Straight Outta Mannofield” promises a great musical experience, with exclusive, previously unreleased tracks by artists such as The Xcerts, Best Girl Athlete, The Lorelei, CS Buchan, and Wendell Borton. This compilation is a celebration of local talent and a testament to the dedication and generosity of the artists who have donated their songs to the project. Their support demonstrates the power of community and the impact that can be achieved when people work together.

Incredible opportunities for young people

The brainchild of Mannofield Explorer Scouts’ leader, Eoin Smith, “Straight Outta Mannofield” is the result of a collective effort. The Explorers actively participated in the album’s development. From the album’s title and artwork, designed by Explorer Scout Lewis Bodkin, to the selection of tracks, the young people were at the forefront of creating a project that truly reflects their experiences and aspirations.

The funds raised through this compilation album will play a crucial role in supporting Mannofield Explorer Scouts’ mission to provide incredible opportunities for young people in Aberdeen. As the largest Explorer Scout Unit in the city, they bring together over 30 individuals aged 14-18, offering a youth-led program that fosters personal growth, friendship, and skill development. Especially in these challenging times, where the pandemic has emphasised the need for safe spaces and engaging activities, the role of Scouts in nurturing resilience, self-expression, and a sense of community has become increasingly important.

Immense musical talent

“Straight Outta Mannofield” not only showcases the immense musical talent of Aberdeen but also serves as a testament to the power of collaboration and the dedication of Mannofield Explorer Scouts. By pre-ordering the album or donating, you can support this fantastic cause and contribute to the memorable experiences that will shape the lives of Aberdeen’s young people. Celebrate the remarkable music scene of the northeast while investing in the future of our community.

For more information, follow Mannofield Explorer Scouts on FacebookInstagram and Twitter