Greyhope Bay breaks ground

Greyhope Bay breaks ground
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Greyhope Bay has started the building phase of project that will eventually see a dolphin viewing centre, a cafe and new education and community space for Aberdeen. Breaking ground marks a milestone for the charity. It’s culmination of a 6-year journey from the original idea to construction. The build has received wide support through community-led fundraising.  

It’s been a challenging road to get to this point. Because of difficulties in the construction industry and scarcity of materials, the project has suffered unexpected delays. However, thanks to the perseverance, resilience and strength of the community, Greyhope Bay is ready to take its next steps.

Project lead architect, Prof Gokay Deveci today said, “I am delighted to be the architect for the development that will bring new life to Torry Battery. This work reflects the role of architecture in nurturing and sustaining our communities that ‘Yes, it can be done’. I am grateful to all team members helping us to deliver such a challenging and innovative project. It would have not possible without their teamwork, commitment, and dedication.”  

Greyhope Bay founder, Dr Fiona McIntyre added, “What we are about to witness is the outcome of countless hours of planning and many years of dreaming, leading to the achievement of this significant moment in which an historic place is altered by our purpose and ignited with new life.” 

An exciting future for Torry Battery

The project’s development will secure a bright new future for Torry Battery. That said, it will also reaffirm its position as a site of both environmental and historical significance. The new green-powered community space will create a spectacular vantage point. As a result visitors can take-in views of the city, coast, harbour and the many resident Bottlenose dolphins who regularly make an appearance. 

This milestone represents the beginning of a transition for Greyhope Bay. What was primarily a fundraising exercise now looks towards providing a vibrant new destination centre for the community and visitors. As a result, this new phase will see the charity deliver programming and events that connect the community to the local coast. This will happen from an off-grid and low impact container conversion which will use the latest in green technology. Because of this, they’ll minimise its environmental footprint, including waste produced by the café. 

How can you support Greyhope Bay

There are many ways to continue to support Greyhope Bay as the organisation moves forward through the build phase and into opening doors as a charity with programming and events that serve to connect the community to our coast from a beautiful new home. 

If you’re interested in helping Greyhope Bay, you can join as a Founder Crew member. Organisers are campaigning to sign up their first 1,000 members before doors open. You can join at the sign up page. For those that do, you’ll receive an exclusive pin badge, five free coffees once open and a discount on events. 

If you are a local businesses or corporate, you can join as a Corporate Skipper or Admiral. Greyhope Bay will offer these members a staff team beach clean, coffee and cakes and a story tour.