Explore the Future of Art and Design at Gray's Annual Exhibition

Explore the Future of Art and Design at Gray's Annual Exhibition
The Communication Design Exhibit from 2023

Gray's School of Art will open its doors to the public for its annual degree show this Saturday, June 8. The free event is a great chance to explore and even purchase original artwork by final-year students.

Students have been diligently preparing for this event, transforming their school into a professional exhibition space showcasing various disciplines. Attendees can expect to see works from Painting, Contemporary Art Practice, Fashion and Textiles, Communication Design, Three Dimensional Design, and Photography. These projects highlight the students’ creativity and address pressing issues such as sustainability, the climate emergency, and social themes like gender and identity.

One of the featured students, Grace Angus, from the Fashion and Textiles department, will present a collection inspired by her upbringing in a farming community near the Tap O Noth hillfort. Her work compares the cultural practices of Scottish and Inuit communities, focusing on their use of natural materials to create functional clothing for outdoor adventures.

"The Tap O Noth once had one of the largest known settlements built on top. I started looking at the huts and the more modern structures such as tents." Grace explained. She added, "I’m really excited to show people my collection at the degree show and can’t believe I’m almost finished art school.”

In addition to showcasing student art, the degree show will feature the Principal’s Design & Fine Art Awards. These outstanding works selected during the show will be added to RGU’s Art & Heritage Collection, preserving a record of creative achievements.

The degree show runs from June 8 to June 15, open from 10am to 8pm on weekdays and from 10am to 5pm on weekends, promising a week full of artistic exploration and discovery. The show will also extend beyond the school premises with the Gray’s Mobile Art School hosting art and craft workshops for families in Union Terrace Gardens on the opening day. Get the details here.