Reintroducing POST as a Hub for Aberdeen's Creative Community

We continue to spotlight Aberdeen's diverse cultural scene and support the local creative economy.

Reintroducing POST as a Hub for Aberdeen's Creative Community
We are not great at getting our photo taken!

We thought it was worth re-introducing you to POST alongside our website re-launch this week. Just so new readers know who we are, and what to expect from us.

POST has always aimed to be a smoke signal for creativity and culture in Aberdeen. We’re dedicated to exploring and celebrating the arts within the city. We’re both deeply invested in expanding the city's cultural scene to a wider audience and creating a strong community around it.

At the heart of POST’s mission is a commitment to showcasing local talent and the diverse expressions of creativity that weaves their way through Aberdeen.

What makes POST particularly different is our dedication to providing a voice for underrepresented artists. POST has always aimed to inform and inspire you to stand up and play your part in the scene.

What does POST do?

On the blog and newsletter, we share highlight and support local creative individuals and businesses. Our content includes information about local artists, creatives, and cultural events, as well as promoting diversity and inclusion in the arts.

Our social media posts highlight local events, cultural happenings, and community news. We feature upcoming events, showcases of local artists, and highlights from recent activities.

We also promote discussion around community and cultural development. We want to keep you connected and informed about Aberdeen’s cultural scene.

Aberdeen's cultural heartbeat

POST is a reflection of Aberdeen’s cultural identity. A testament to the power of local arts and culture that underpins the belief that creativity is a vital part of urban life and community wellbeing.

With each article, event coverage, and artist feature, POST shares Aberdeen's cultural heartbeat, proving that art and music are more than entertaining — they enlighten, connect, and inspire.

How is POST funded?

We created POST out of our love of our city and communities. We are partly self-funded, and partly funded by supporters like you.

If you want to become a supporter you can sign up here and be confident that your support is greatly appreciated and will be driven directly back into delivering the content and values of POST Aberdeen.

Although we keep our subscription price low, currently £3 per month or £30 per year, we understand that not everyone can afford to help us financially...and that is fine. There are plenty of other ways you can support us. Spread the word by sharing our posts or forwarding our newsletter to a friend. It all helps.