Outer Spaces Launches Commission Opportunity for Aberdeen Artists

In Our Spaces offers a £3,000 commission to city artists, encouraging them to explore mental health through creative projects.

Outer Spaces Launches Commission Opportunity for Aberdeen Artists

Aberdeen-based arts charity Outer Spaces, got in touch to tell us about a new opportunity for three artists or collectives to create work inspired by the theme of this year’s Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival. The commissioned projects, part of the In Our Spaces programme, will run from October 2024 to March 2025 and explore the theme In/Visible.

Projects can take many forms—temporary exhibitions, workshops, or online experiences—allowing artists to choose how they want to interact with their audience. The aim is to create meaningful connections, inspire conversations, and offer a space for expression around mental health topics.

Outer Spaces brings together artists, arts organisations, and property owners to transform vacant commercial spaces into creative hubs. Founded in 2021, the organisation was born out of the economic and social challenges artists faced during the pandemic. With an increasing number of empty properties available, Outer Spaces saw a chance to collaborate and drive cultural regeneration.

Creating Art Around Mental Health

The In/Visible theme encourages artists to explore mental health in ways that make the unseen more visible, challenging the stereotypes surrounding mental illness. Outer Spaces is providing a £3,000 budget for each of the three selected artists or collectives to develop projects that are community-focused and socially engaging.

Outer Spaces welcomes expressions of interest from visual artists or collectives living in Aberdeen, particularly those with personal experiences of mental health challenges. The charity is committed to supporting artists who may have faced barriers in recent years, offering them a chance to share their perspectives through their art.

Aberdeen already has such a thriving community of artists, many of whom we support with free studio space. We’re thrilled to be able to take this support to the next level, with funding from the City Council that will benefit artists as well as the people of Aberdeen.

Shân Edwards, Outer Spaces

While the primary location for these projects will be an Outer Spaces property in central Aberdeen, there’s flexibility for artists to define their space based on the needs and interests of the communities they want to involve. This open approach means the projects can be tailored to fit various environments, ensuring genuine engagement.

You’ve got until 6 pm on Sunday, 29 September 2024, to express your interest. For all the details on how to apply, head over to the Outer Spaces website.

IN OUR SPACES | Outer Spaces

This is a brilliant opportunity for Aberdeen artists to use their creativity to explore mental health, connect with communities, and contribute to a wider conversation about visibility and inclusion.

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