Aberdeen Showcases Queer Perspectives in New Cabaret Event

Glory showcases unique queer interpretations of historical objects in a night of art and celebration.

Aberdeen Showcases Queer Perspectives in New Cabaret Event

Aberdeen is set to celebrate queer creativity with a vibrant cabaret evening titled Glory, presented by Aberdeen Performing Arts and Look Again on June 22, 2024. The event, which takes pride of place at RGU Art and Heritage Collections, promises an evening where queer perspectives breathe new life into traditional forms.

Glory will showcase commissioned pieces from artists who reinterpret and narrate objects with bold, contemporary voices. Among the highlights are Mantile Veisaite’s groundbreaking aviation-inspired fashion that challenges gender norms, Cameron Lyall’s poignant reflections on resilience, and Linh Khanh Bui’s deep dive into emotional landscapes. These reinterpretations will hopefully give you a new appreciation for each object's history and significance.

The evening’s festivities will be guided by the internationally acclaimed Tom Harlow, an award-winning host and singer, known for his charismatic stage presence. Supporting him will be a host of local cabaret stars, ranging from well-established names to exciting emerging talents, all contributing to a rich display of the queer experience through their unique performances.

You’re encouraged to "come as you are," embracing the event’s inclusive spirit, which seeks to celebrate diversity and individuality in full splendour. This dress code underscores the event's welcoming ethos, inviting everyone to express their authentic selves.

Sally Reaper, Director for Look Again at Gray’s School of Art said: “We are delighted to be working with Aberdeen Performing Arts and RGU’s Art & Heritage Collections to deliver this unique project and can’t wait to present ‘Glory’ to members of the public at Aberdeen’s Lemon Tree in June. Each of the artists selected has been inspired by an item from RGU’s Art & Heritage Collections and will use the artefacts to celebrate queer identities and experiences as part of their performance.”

Look Again, based at Gray’s School of Art, continues its mission to enhance the visibility and impact of the creative sector in North East Scotland. They’re known for a dynamic approach to revitalising the city’s cultural landscape through projects like the Look Again Project Space and various community-centred initiatives.

The Glory cabaret night cabaret night promises an unforgettable celebration of queer artistry and reinforces Aberdeen’s commitment to supporting and showcasing the talents within its diverse communities.

You can get your tickets now from Aberdeen Performing Arts.